Breakfast can be tricky on work days. While the kids sit down to eat-I am making lunches, coffee, and running around and barking orders. So, I always grab something quick and on the go-typically eat in the parking lot of my work before I go in-as you can see by the yogurt pic. below.

I let the kids pick a somewhat healthy cereal each week in case I don't have time to make something and this week they chose Cinnamon Roll Mini Wheats-Target sale $2.50. 6 gr fiber, 47 carbs. I was impressed that it only has about 5 ingredients in it, and it is a whole grain! They each get about 1 cup with 1%milk (since this is as low as a percent milk my hubby will drink). Skim milk can be a better option for those wanting to lose a little weight. I always try to pair a high carb breakfast with a low fat protein like a hard boiled egg ($1.29/dozen-Rulers) I boil up 6 or more at a time and it lasts us a couple days. It is handy to have them for salads, too. My little guy likes the yoke but the other 2 plop the yellow down the drain-they also love to break the shell! The yoke has some good stuff in it but also has about half the cholesterol we need in a day in one yolk! So if you plop the yellow down the drain/trash every once in a while, it may help your cholesterol and weight. The white part of the egg is a great protein source without all the fat and calories. Next blog may be about Egg Beaters?

As you can see with my breakfast, I grabbed a low-fat Greek Yogurt $1 and has 14 gr. protein, 20 gr. carbs. Love coffee in the AM with Stevia sweetener and a dash of low fat milk. A little caffeine (1-2/day) can boost the metabolism. Since this was not a big breakfast, I grabbed 1 small apple (1 bag of red apples $2.50 at Rulers) a hand-full or 1/4 cup of plain almonds (Rulers-$3) between my clients a couple hours later. Not gonna lie, but I started off with a bang, but then struggled the rest of the day. It is difficult to make all healthy choices every meal. If we can start off our day making healthy choices, usually it all falls into place. But not today....those dang Girl Scout cookies were staring me in the face:-). I had 3 and tried to keep it to the serving size! Everything in moderation-lol....all else fails have the stinking cookies but try to keep it to the serving size on the package (it is a good start). Breakfast is the KEY to a healthy meal plan!!!! Start your day off right!