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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Low-Fat Crock Pot-Turkey Breast Tenderloin

Low Fat Crock pot Meal. Jeanie O-Turkey Breast Tenderloin ($5 Sam's) on top of 6 small cut potatoes with the skin(10 lb bag Rulers-$2, and 1 bag baby carrots ($1). Pepper Mrs. Dash Onion and Herb seasoning. Cook on low for 6-8hrs. 
Photo: Low Fat Crockpot Meal.  Jeanie O-Turkey Breast Tenderloin ($5 Sam's) on top of 6 small cut potatoes with the skin(10 lb bag Rulers-$2, and 1 bag baby carrots ($1). Pepper Mrs. Dash Onion and Herb seasoning. Cook on low for 6-8hrs. 
3 oz.Turkey(size of a deck of cards) 1-1/2 cups veggies= 1gram fat, 45gr carbs, 400 mg Sodium, 24 gr protein, 5-6 gr Fiber.

Serving Size:
3 oz.Turkey(size of a deck of cards) 1-1/2 cups veggies= 1 gram fat, 45gr carbs, 400 mg Sodium, 24 gr protein, 5-6 gr Fiber

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Breakfast #1

Breakfast can be tricky on work days. While the kids sit down to eat-I am making lunches, coffee, and running around and barking orders. So, I always grab something quick and on the go-typically eat in the parking lot of my work before I go in-as you can see by the yogurt pic. below.
I let the kids pick a somewhat healthy cereal each week in case I don't have time to make something and this week they chose Cinnamon Roll Mini Wheats-Target sale $2.50. 6 gr fiber, 47 carbs. I was impressed that it only has about 5 ingredients in it, and it is a whole grain! They each get about 1 cup with 1%milk (since this is as low as a percent milk my hubby will drink). Skim milk can be a better option for those wanting to lose a little weight. I always try to pair a high carb breakfast with a low fat protein like a hard boiled egg ($1.29/dozen-Rulers) I boil up 6 or more at a time and it lasts us a couple days. It is handy to have them for salads, too. My little guy likes the yoke but the other 2 plop the yellow down the drain-they also love to break the shell! The yoke has some good stuff in it but also has about half the cholesterol we need in a day in one yolk! So if you plop the yellow down the drain/trash every once in a while, it may help your cholesterol and weight. The white part of the egg is a great protein source without all the fat and calories. Next blog may be about Egg Beaters?

As you can see with my breakfast, I grabbed a low-fat Greek Yogurt $1 and has 14 gr. protein, 20 gr. carbs. Love coffee in the AM with Stevia sweetener and a dash of low fat milk. A little caffeine (1-2/day) can boost the metabolism. Since this was not a big breakfast, I grabbed 1 small apple (1 bag of red apples $2.50 at Rulers) a hand-full or 1/4 cup of plain almonds (Rulers-$3) between my clients a couple hours later. Not gonna lie, but I started off with a bang, but then struggled the rest of the day. It is difficult to make all healthy choices every meal. If we can start off our day making healthy choices, usually it all falls into place. But not today....those dang Girl Scout cookies were staring me in the face:-). I had 3 and tried to keep it to the serving size! Everything in moderation-lol....all else fails have the stinking cookies but try to keep it to the serving size on the package (it is a good start). Breakfast is the KEY to a healthy meal plan!!!! Start your day off right!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Supper idea #1

Tonight's supper. Ground Turkey $4, four cheese pasta sauce$2.50(Top of the Hill, made in St. Louis at Schnucks on sale). 1 can organic tomatoes $1, frozen bag okra $1(Ruler Foods), boiled with Mrs. Dash-Onion and Herb. Fed 5 with leftovers for hubby. Approx-Per serv 1 cup pasta/sauce/okra=9 grams fat, 60 grams carbs, 500mg sodium.

Photo: Tonight's supper.  Ground Turkey $4, four cheese pasta sauce$2.50. 1 can organic tomatoes $1, frozen bag okra $1(Ruler Foods)  Fed 5 with leftovers for hubby.  Approx-Per serv 1 cup pasta/sauce/okra=9 grams fat, 60 grams carbs, 500mg sodium.

Eat to Live

Welcome to my Blog!!  I have been wanting to do this for many years and for many reasons.  I have been a Diabetes Educator and Weight Loss Educator for over 10 years.  I try to "Practice What I Preach"----It is not easy and can be terribly hard for myself.  I have 3 active kids, part-time career,  and everyday stresses.  The economy and food prices are at an all-time high, it is so difficult to to keep weight off when cheap, high carbohydrate, high fat, highly processed foods are staring us in the face at the super markets. I want to share with my family, friends, and clients; healthy food ideas nutrition tips, pointers and an insight on healthy living.  It is not easy to to be healthy, especially on a budget, so I am trying to give some quick easy meals, snacks and exercise ideas that can help you, as well as the sweet amazing children in our lives.  

    I am not only an RN Educator, but I am a listener, behavior modifier, and  I have a Minor in Psychology.  When I meet with clients for the first time, it takes me over an hour to get an insight on their lives.  Everyone is so different with their budgets, time constraints, work schedules, eating habits, etc.  Sometimes all a person needs is someone to listen to them and they can usually figure out what will work for them.  I absolutely love the phrase "Eat to Live"!!  This is soooooo true.  We all know that if we do not eat, we WILL die.  This is the sole purpose of food.  Sure, food can taste, look and smell so awesome at times, but it doesn't always have to, IF it is GOOD for us.  Changing this thought process is not easy, but over time, and as we look at the nutrition labels, learn what we are actually fueling are bodies with, will we ever change.  Many of us only eat for pleasure, joy, sadness, or boredom.  But, we need to "Eat to LIVE"  I was lucky that I was raised with this in my life, as my family was active in sports, I played basketball and soccer my whole childhood and also played a year of college soccer.  

     I use this analogy....You are a VERY expensive car (Jaguar, Porshe, etc.)  You need premium fuel to make that car run.  We as human's need food (healthy food) to keep us alive longer.   The healthier foods we eat, the more energy and fuel we have to keep going.  

Ok....enough about this stuff.  I want to share a quick story:

  Tonight I was showing my husband the large abrasion on my backside from trimming the landscape yesterday.  I said "look what happened yesterday", my son (8 yrs old) walks in and said...."What, your butt got big?" I was rolling and a bit taken back.  Oh my, I am so ready for Spring and to get back to swimming and walking the neighborhood.  

Next Blogs:  will focus more on quick, reasonable, meals and snack ideas that my family eats. I warn you, I am not perfect and obviously my spelling and grammar are NOT, too!!!