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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Popcorn-Snack....The Old Fashion Way

When you want something a little salty and crunchy.  This is a perfect solution.......Popcorn!  It is a whole grain and has some fiber!  As I try to move away from processed foods as much as possible, it is still hard not to revert back to the convenience of the prepackaged microwavable kind.  I have not purchased any microwavable popcorn since I read a scary article about it.

  I have purchased 2 different kinds, one from down the street from an  local farm store, which is non-GMO for $4 (will discuss this in a future blog), and a bag from Ruler's grocery for $1.99.
You will want to try to look for either certified organic popcorn (which is automatically non-GMO) or you’ll want to look for the non-GMO label on the popcorn product.  (see pic)

To make popcorn the old fashioned way, you’ll only need a few things:
  • 1-2 Tbsp. Oil (I prefer coconut oil)-May use canola, olive, palm
  • ½ cup of non-GMO popcorn kernels
  • sea salt
  • a pan/pot with a lid
Place 3 kernels in the oil on Med-high heat.  When those 3 kernels start to pop, place the 1/2 cup in the pan or pot and cover.  Shake over stove top till all kernels have popped.  May remove from heat halfway through to prevent burning.

Add a bit of sea salt or some other low sodium flavorings like the one below for added flavor.  We like plain old salt and pepper, and then you don't add a bunch of calories and preservatives from the shaker types of flavorings. 

Typically, 3 cups of popcorn is a serving with 15 grams of carbohydrates. The  perfect snack for an evening.  If you live alone, you will have plenty of left-overs.  Just store in a reusable or zip lock bag!  Take it to work, or sneak it into the movies (I never said this, if you get caught, though) ;)

Happy snacking.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year from Educator Eats--New Year and a new Blog....Prevention based medicine: Prevention and Quality : Defining the Terms

Good Jan. 2nd to you!!!!    Hope your New Year has started off as good as mine.  I am another year older and would like to think that I am smarter and wiser, too!  I have been on a break from blogging and I hope to get back in the swing of things soon.  However, as my work duties have increased and I am now starting an online course to prepare me for the CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator Exam), I may be a bit consumed. After I pass this exam, I will then have an RN, BSN, CDE behind my name.  I should have done this a long time ago, since I practice Diabetes Education every day that I work, but, now seems like the right time.  I am going for it!

 This past year has been wonderful and busy for me, in my career, as well as home life.  I have started an Employee Wellness Program from the ground up at my place of employment for 106 employees,  have increased my hours to see more patients, and have also been placed on a committee to better help serve our patients.

With the increase of work hours, my family life has been busier, too.  I have found that the older my kidos get, the less we are at home.  With 2 kids in travel soccer, oldest in piano, cheer and school soccer, middle son in basketball, golf, baseball, and the youngest boy trying all new sports. We are in the van a lot!  It is really hard to eat healthy and prepare nutritious food on the run, so that will be my focus this year!

   In the meantime.....I wanted to share with all of you a new Blog.  Below is the link to the provider I work with's Blog.  He is one of the smartest, most caring, amazing physician's I have worked with and I have been in Healthcare for over 15 years.  Please follow his Blog...I know you will learn lots!  Be on the lookout for some quick smoothie recipes that I have recently tried for myself and my family.
 Happy New Year....May this be the best year yet!

    Prevention based medicine: Prevention and Quality : Defining the Terms: I believe prevention is the weakest link in American health care. But what exactly is prevention? Mirriam Webster defines prevention as “Th...