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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Popcorn-Snack....The Old Fashion Way

When you want something a little salty and crunchy.  This is a perfect solution.......Popcorn!  It is a whole grain and has some fiber!  As I try to move away from processed foods as much as possible, it is still hard not to revert back to the convenience of the prepackaged microwavable kind.  I have not purchased any microwavable popcorn since I read a scary article about it.

  I have purchased 2 different kinds, one from down the street from an  local farm store, which is non-GMO for $4 (will discuss this in a future blog), and a bag from Ruler's grocery for $1.99.
You will want to try to look for either certified organic popcorn (which is automatically non-GMO) or you’ll want to look for the non-GMO label on the popcorn product.  (see pic)

To make popcorn the old fashioned way, you’ll only need a few things:
  • 1-2 Tbsp. Oil (I prefer coconut oil)-May use canola, olive, palm
  • ½ cup of non-GMO popcorn kernels
  • sea salt
  • a pan/pot with a lid
Place 3 kernels in the oil on Med-high heat.  When those 3 kernels start to pop, place the 1/2 cup in the pan or pot and cover.  Shake over stove top till all kernels have popped.  May remove from heat halfway through to prevent burning.

Add a bit of sea salt or some other low sodium flavorings like the one below for added flavor.  We like plain old salt and pepper, and then you don't add a bunch of calories and preservatives from the shaker types of flavorings. 

Typically, 3 cups of popcorn is a serving with 15 grams of carbohydrates. The  perfect snack for an evening.  If you live alone, you will have plenty of left-overs.  Just store in a reusable or zip lock bag!  Take it to work, or sneak it into the movies (I never said this, if you get caught, though) ;)

Happy snacking.

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