Today is SO different, with a soda machines around every corner, in schools, and work places staring us in the face. Not only in machines, but they line the supermarket shelves, and are in front of every cash register. Warm, cold, 12oz, 2 Liters, 6 pack bottles---- just waiting for you buy them with your hard earned $. Not gonna lie, I really enjoy the fizz, caffeine and taste of a soda. But, how much is too much? And is there anything really GOOD about these sodas?
I am not going to say STOP them, but I am going to suggest that we take a deep look into the situation. After reading this interesting article today, it inspired me. take the time to check this out!!!!
Many of us have chosen soda as a staple of our daily fluid intake and some even use it to fuel their bodies with these empty calories instead of food. 1 can (12oz.) of regular soda equals about 45 grams of carbohydrates, which equals the same amount as a meal for a women. Here is a pic of a 20oz. and a liter. Almost a 1/3 of the bottle or can is sugar.
I will not go into the BIG controversy of Diet vs. Reg. right now, but I will challenge everyone to look at the ingredients and sweeteners that are added to them and you can make your decision. Many times with my Diabetic and weight loss clients, I suggest that they stop regular sodas and switch to a diet to immediately decrease their blood glucose. Then, when they find a diet that they like, I try to wean them down to 1-2 day. After a while of this, encourage them to go more natural with waters and teas. For some, a gradual change is easier and more attainable, but for others quitting all at once works!
Before you quit soda, please note that caffeine withdrawal can be brutal, so weaning off caffeine or switching to a tea/coffee may be a little easier than cold turkey. Here is a link to help:
As I am writing this blog, I have a few amazing friends who are challenging themselves to kick the soda habit! I know they can do it! It will not be easy, but it will be so much healthier for them!
Good luck in your soda adventure and hope that you can make soda an occasional intake and not a staple in your diet.
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